Posljednji automobil Elvisa Presleya je na prodaju: vozio ga je nekoliko sati prije smrti

LIFESTYLE Forbes Srbija 6. nov 2024. 14:07
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6. nov 2024. 14:07

Cadillac Seville iz 1977. godine, posljednji automobil Elvisa Presleya, na prodaju je prije dva dana. Muzička legenda vozio je auto samo nekoliko sati prije smrti, navodi Jam Press.

Do trenutka kada je tragično preminuo 16. augusta 1977. godine, vjeruje se da je Elvis tokom svoje karijere kupio najmanje 200 Cadillac-a.

Samo devet dana nakon njegove smrti, njegov otac Vernon je prenio vlasništvo nad ovim automobilom na Elvisovu tadašnju vjerenicu – Ginger Alden. Tokom godina, automobil je prošao kroz ruke mnogih vlasnika, uključujući Jimmyja Velveta, koji je vodio muzej Elvisa Presleya u Graceland Estate u Memphisu, Tennessee.

EXCLUSIVE: Story from Jam Press (Elvis Presley Car) Pictured: The 1977 Cadillac Seville driven by Elvis Presley just hours before he died – the certificate of authenticity Return to Fender! Cadillac driven by Elvis Presley just hours before he died goes on sale The last ever car owned by Elvis Presley is heading for sale. The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll’s eye-catching 1977 Cadillac Seville was the singer’s final ever ride. And he even drove it the night before he died. Up until his heartbreaking death on 16 August 1977, it is believed that Elvis purchased at least 200 Cadillacs during his time in the spotlight. Just nine days after his death, his father Vernon transferred ownership of this motor to Elvis's fiance at the time – Ginger Alden. Over the years, the car has passed through many owners, including Jimmy Velvet, who ran the Elvis Presley Museum on the Graceland Estate in Memphis, Tennessee, in the US. The current vendors purchased the vehicle at auction in 2014 from Graceland. Elvis chose the car’s colour scheme – a maroon and burgundy combination over silver. The iconic performer also had a custom CB radio fitted to the car, which he used to contact the guard house and the kitchen at Graceland. The motor is kitted out with a powerful 5.7-litre V8 engine and has just 57,998 miles on the clock. The bodywork is custom made by Fisher, as reported by Luxury Auto News. The vehicle is now up for online auction with the closing date for bids set for 25 November. Bonhams, who is listing the car, stated: “On the afternoon of August 16th 1977, the legend that was Elvis Aaron Presley permanently left the building. “It’s thought that Elvis bought at least 200 Cadillacs over the years, with nearly all of them gifted to friends, relations or sometimes just strangers who’d been particularly helpful, friendly or kind. “But the day before he died he wasn’t driving just another of the many Cadillacs he’d owned. “He was driving this particular car. 05 Nov 2024 Pictured: Story from Jam Press (Elvis Presley Car) Pictured: The 1977 Cadillac Seville driven by Elvis Presley just hours before he died. Return to Fender! Cadillac driven by Elvis Presley just hours before he died goes on sale The last ever car owned by Elvis Presley is heading for sale. The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll’s eye-catching 1977 Cadillac Seville was the singer’s final ever ride. And he even drove it the night before he died. Up until his heartbreaking death on 16 August 1977, it is believed that Elvis purchased at least 200 Cadillacs during his time in the spotlight. Just nine days after his death, his father Vernon transferred ownership of this motor to Elvis's fiance at the time – Ginger Alden. Over the years, the car has passed through many owners, including Jimmy Velvet, who ran the Elvis Presley Museum on the Graceland Estate in Memphis, Tennessee, in the US. The current vendors purchased the vehicle at auction in 2014 from Graceland. Elvis chose the car’s colour scheme – a m.,Image: 930694883, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO Australia, Germany, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Unknown Country, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jam Press/Bonhams / MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Očekuje se da će cijena premašiti 100.000 dolara

Elvis Presley
Jam Press/Bonhams/MEGA/The Mega Agency/Profimedia

Velvet, koji je tvrdio da ima najveću kolekciju Presleyjevih predmeta, kupio ga je 1982. od Ginger. Auto je kasnije prodat Gregu Page za 101.500 dolara na aukciji 1994. godine, a prodao ga je Velvetov sin Scott.

Sadašnji vlasnici kupili su vozilo na aukciji 2014. u Gracelandu i posudili ga muzeju.

Prema Forbesu, sada se očekuje da će premašiti cijenu od 100.000 dolara. Zanimljivo je da Elvis 1 tablice nisu na prodaju.

Elvis je odabrao shemu boja automobila – kombinaciju tamnocrvene i bordo preko srebrne.

U automobil je ugradio i prilagođeni CB radio, koji je koristio za komunikaciju sa stražarskom kućom i kuhinjom u Gracelandu.

Automobil ima snažan V8 motor zapremine 5,7 litara i prešao je samo 93.000 kilometara.

Karoseriju je po narudžbini uradila kompanija Fischer, navodi magazin Luxury Auto News.

Vozilo je na internet aukciji od prije dva dana, a rok za podnošenje ponuda je 25. novembar.

Kupio Cadillac i poklonio ih

Elvis Presley
Jam Press/Bonhams/MEGA/The Mega Agency/Profimedia

Vjeruje se da je Elvis tokom godina kupio najmanje 200 Cadillac-a, dajući skoro sve od njih prijateljima, rođacima ili ponekad strancima koji su bili posebno ljubazni, prijateljski raspoloženi ili uslužni.

“Ali dan prije nego što je umro, on nije vozio samo još jedan od mnogih Cadillac-a koje je posjedovao.” On je vozio upravo ovaj auto.”